Research Projects
Research projects completed by lab and graduate students.
The Canadian Centre for Computational Genomics (C3G) is a geographically distributed innovation program that provides bioinformatics analysis and high-performance computing services for the life science research community across Canada. Toronto node consists of team members from UHN and SickKids and the Montreal node is based at McGill University.

COVID gap is a contact tracing application that uses Wi-Fi signals to help identify staff who are in close proximity to other staff members. It uses data collected from mobile apps, access points in the building, and IoT devices to build models for predicting distances between two devices. This application can be used to identify locations at UHN where individuals congregate, and users who were within the distance threshold of a COVID-19 patient.
PhenomeCentral is a repository for clinicians and scientists working in the rare disorder community.

The development, testing and improvement of PhenoPad — an AI-based clinical tool enables the digitization of highly structured patient data and facilitates patient interaction, while providing physicians enough freedom to perform their jobs efficiently.
PhenoTips is a software tool for collecting and analyzing phenotypic information for patients with genetic disorders.